Docker & Docker-Compose Cheat Sheet for DevOps Beginners
#90DaysofDevOps Challenge - Day 20
Table of contents
- ▶Docker
- ▶Installation
- ▶General Docker Commands with a brief explanation for the use of each one.
- <mark>Running a new container</mark>
- <mark>Manage Container</mark>
- <mark>Manage Images</mark>
- <mark>For Information and Stats</mark>
- ▶General Docker-Compose Commands with a brief explanation for the use of each one.
It provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container.
The isolation and security allow you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host.
The Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application, so you do not need to rely on what is currently installed on the host.
You can easily share containers while you work, and be sure that everyone you share with gets the same container that works in the same way.
Docker Desktop is available for Mac, Linux and Windows:
Check out our docs for information on using Docker:
▶General Docker Commands with a brief explanation for the use of each one.
Running a new container
Start a new Container from an Image:
$ docker run <image_name>
$ docker run nginx
Assing it a name
$ docker run --name <container_name>
$ docker run --name web nginx
Map a specific port
$ docker run -p <hostport>:<containerport> <image_name>
$ docker run -p 8080:80 nginx
Map all ports
$ docker run -p <image_name>
$ docker run -p nginx
Start the container in the background
$ docker run -d <image_name>
$ docker run -d nginx
Assign it a hostname
$ docker run --hostname <hostname> <image_name>
$ docker run --hostname srv nginx
Add a DNS entry
$ docker run --add-host <hostname>:IP <image_name>
Map a local directory into the container
$ docker run -v <hostdir>:/<targetdir> <image_name>
$ docker run -v ~/:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
Change the Entrypoint
$ docker run -it --entrypoint executable <image_name>
$ docker run -it entrypoint bash nginx
Manage Container
List of running containers
$ docker ps
List of all containers
$ docker ps -a
Delete a container
$ docker rm <container>
$ docker rm test
Delete a running container (Note - You can try to kill the service first and then try to remove it after that).
$ docker rm -f <container>
$ docker rm -f nginx
$ docker kill <container>
$ docker kill test
$ docker rm -f <container>
$ docker rm -f test
Stop a running service
$ docker stop <container>
$ docker stop test
Start a stopped container
$ docker start <container>
$ docker start test
Copy a file from a container to the host
$ docker cp <container>:<source> <target>
$ docker cp nginx:/index.html index.html
Copy a file from the host to a container
$ docker cp <target> <container>: <source>
$ docker cp test:/index.html index.html
Start a Shell inside a running container
$ docker exec -it <container> executable
$ docker exec -it test bash
Rename a container
$ docker rename <old_name_container> <new_name_container>
$ docker rename test nginx
Create an image out of the container
$ docker commit <container>
$ docker commit test
Manage Images
Download an image
$ docker pull <image_name>:<tag>
$ docker pull nginx:latest
Upload an image to a repository
$ docker push <image_name>
$ docker push testimage:v1
Delete an image
$ docker rmi <image_name>
$ docker rmi nginx
Delete dangling images
$ docker image prune
$ docker rmi nginx
Delete all unused images
$ docker image prune -a
Show a list of all images
$ docker images
Build an image from a Dockerfile
$ docker build <dir>
$ docker build .
Tag an image
$ docker tag <image_name> <newimage_name>
$ docker tag nginx nginx:latest
Build and tag an image from a Dockerfile
$ docker build -t <image_name> <dir>
$ docker build -t testimage .
Save an image to .tar file
$ docker save <image_name> > <file>.tar
$ docker save nginx > nginx.tar
Load an image from a .tar file
$ docker load -i <tar_file>
$ docker load -i nginx.tar
For Information and Stats
Show the logs of a container
$ docker logs <container_name>
$ docker logs test
Show stats of running containers
$ docker stats
Show processes of container
$ docker top <container_name>
$ docker top test
Show installed docker version
$ docker version
Get detailed info about an object
$ docker inspect <object_name>
$ docker inspect nginx
Show all modified files in a container
$ docker diff <container_name>
$ docker diff test
Show mapped ports of a container
$ docker port <container_name>
$ docker port test
▶General Docker-Compose Commands with a brief explanation for the use of each one.
File Structure
docker-compose.yml (Example)
#docker-compose.yml file
version: '3'
# Your web application => Container
build: .
- "5000:5000"
# Redis cache container
image: "redis:alpine"
To Start a Project
It tries to automate a series of operations including building a mirror, (re)creating a service, starting a service, and associating a service-related container. Sometimes you will need docker-compose up --rebuild
after making code changes.
$ docker-compose up [options] [--scale SERVICE=NUM...] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
, --detach
– Run containers in the background
– Produce monochrome output.
– Don’t start linked services.
– Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven’t changed.
– Recreate dependent containers.
– If containers already exist, don’t recreate
– Don’t build an image, even if it’s missing.
– Don’t start the services after creating them.
– Build images before starting containers.
, --timeout
– TIMEOUT Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running. (default: 10)
– Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.
To build (rebuild) the service
$ docker-compose build [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
– Compress the build context using gzip.
– Always remove intermediate containers.
– Do not use cache when building the image.
– Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image.
, --memory
– MEM Sets memory limit for the build container.
– Set build-time variables for services.
– Build images in parallel.
Stops containers
It removes containers, networks, volumes, and images (defined in docker-compose.yml
) created by up
$ docker-compose down [options]
Some other options to use:
type – Remove images. Type is ‘all’ or ‘local’
, --volumes
– Remove named volumes declared in the volumes section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.
– Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file
, --timeout
– TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. default – 10.
To start an existing service container
$ docker-compose start [SERVICE...]
To stop running containers without removing them.
They can be started again with docker-compose start
$ docker-compose up [options] [--scale SERVICE=NUM...] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
, --detach
– Run containers in the background
– Produce monochrome output.
– Don’t start linked services.
– Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven’t changed.
– Recreate dependent containers.
– If containers already exist, don’t recreate
– Don’t build an image, even if it’s missing.
– Don’t start the services after creating them.
– Build images before starting containers.
, --timeout
– TIMEOUT Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running. (default: 10)
– Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.
To show a list of containers for a service
$ docker-compose ps [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
, --quiet
– Only display IDs
– Display services
– KEY=VAL Filter services by a property
, --all
– Show all stopped containers (including those created by the run command)
Generates a Distributed Application Bundle (DAB) from the Compose file
$ docker-compose bundle [options]
Some other options to use:
– Automatically push images for any services which have a build option specified.
, --output
– PATH Path to write the bundle file to. Defaults to “.dab”.
To pause running containers of a service
They can be unpaused with docker-compose unpause
$ docker-compose pause [SERVICE...]
To unpause paused containers of a service
$ docker-compose unpause [SERVICE...]
To verify that the Compose file format is correct
$ docker-compose config [options]
Some other options to use:
– Pin image tags to digests.
, --quiet
– Only validate the configuration, don’t print anything.
– Print the service names, one per line.
– Print the volume names, one per line.
– Print the service config hash, one per line. Set “service1,service2” for a list of specified services or use the wildcard symbol to display all services.
To allocate a TTY
Example, use docker-compose exec web sh
to get an interactive prompt.
$ docker-compose exec [options] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]
Some other options to use:
, --detach
– Detached mode: Run command in the background.
– Give extended privileges to the process.
, --user
– USER Run the command as this user.
– Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default docker-compose exec allocates a TTY.
– index of the container if there are multiple instances of service [default: 1]
, --env
– KEY=VAL Set environment variables (can be used multiple times, not supported in API < 1.25)
, --workdir
– DIR Path to workdir directory for this command.
To stream container events for every container in the project
Example docker-compose events --json
to stream in JSON format.
$ docker-compose events [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
– Output events as a stream of JSON objects
To display help and usage instructions for a command
$ docker-compose help COMMAND
To display log output from services
$ docker-compose logs [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
– Produce monochrome output.
, --follow
– Follow log output.
, --timestamps
– Show timestamps.
– Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each container.
To force running containers to stop by sending a SIGKILL signal
Optionally the signal can be passed, for example: docker-compose kill -s SIGINT
$ docker-compose kill [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
– SIGNAL to send to the container. The default signal is SIGKILL
To print the public port to which a container port is mapped
$ docker-compose port [options] SERVICE PRIVATE_PORT
Some other options to use:
– tcp or udp [default: tcp]
– index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1]
To restart all stopped and running services
$ docker-compose restart [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
, --timeout
– TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)
To pull an image associated with a service defined in a docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose pull [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
– Pull what it can and ignores images with pull failures.
– Deprecated, pull multiple images in parallel (enabled by default).
– Disable parallel pulling.
– Pull without printing progress information
– Also pull services declared as dependencies
To remove stopped service containers
$ docker-compose rm [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
, --force
– Don’t ask to confirm the removal
, --stop
– Stop the containers, if required, before removing
– Remove any anonymous volumes attached to containers
To push images for services to their respective registry/repository
$ docker-compose push [options] [SERVICE...]
Some other options to use:
– Push what it can and ignores images with push failures.
To view the processes running within each service container
$ docker-compose top [SERVICE...]
To print the version of docker-compose
$ docker-compose version
To run a one-time command against a service
For example, the following command starts the web service and runs bash as its command docker-compose run web bash
$ docker-compose run [options] [-v VOLUME...] [-p PORT...] [-e KEY=VAL...] [-l KEY=VALUE...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
Some other options to use:
, --detach
– Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name.
NAME – Assign a name to the container
--entrypoint CMD
– Override the entrypoint of the image.
KEY=VAL – Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)
, --label
KEY=VAL – Add or override a label (can be used multiple times)
, --user=""
– Run as specified username or uid
– Don’t start linked services.
– Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.
, --publish=[]
– Publish a container’s port(s) to the host
– Run command with the service’s ports enabled and mapped to the host.
– Use the service’s network aliases in the network(s) the container connects to.
, --volume=[]
– Bind mount a volume (default [])
– Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default docker-compose run
allocates a TTY.
, --workdir=""
– Working directory inside the container
Forgive me for the extensive read since I tried to be more detailed as possible.
It was a nutshell of Docker and Docker Compose commands, and I hope it is helpful to you.