Azure Hands-On Labs - Creating Azure Standard Load Balancers with PowerShell

Azure Hands-On Labs - Creating Azure Standard Load Balancers with PowerShell

Azure Learning Path for Cloud and DevOps Engineers


This post demonstrates this hands-on lab, where we walk through using Azure PowerShell to create an Azure Standard Load Balancer. This beginner-level hands-on lab covers several concepts, including the following.

Creating variables to store key parameters. Identifying the proper cmdlets to create a frontend IP configuration, backend address pool, health probe, Load Balancer rule configuration, and NAT rules. Creating the Azure Standard Load Balancer using the correct parameters.

This hands-on lab uses the Azure Cloud Shell, so there's no need to install any software if you prefer.

📝Log in to the Azure Management Console

Using your credentials, make sure you're using the right Region. In my case, I am using west-us.

📌Note: You can also use the VSCode tool or from your local PowerShell to connect to Azure PowerShell

More information on how to set up it is on the link.


  • Update to PowerShell 5.1, if needed.

  • Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.

  • VisualCode

  • Web Browser (Chrome, Edge)

📝Setting an Azure Storage Account to Load Powershell

  • Click the Cloud Shell icon (>_) at the top of the page.

  • Click PowerShell.

  • Click Show Advanced Settings. Use the combo box under Cloud Shell region to select the Region. Under Resource group and Storage account(It's a globally unique name), enter a name for both. In the box under File share, enter a name. Click Create storage (if you don't have any yet).

📝Creating Azure Standard Load Balancers with PowerShell

  • Identify the current resource group:

        #Copy the value for the ResourceGroupName parameter to the clipboard. 
        #This will be referred to as RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for the rest of this guide.
  • Set variables to Resource Group and Location:

      $resourcegroup = '<name_resource_group>'
      $location = '<region_name>'
  • Create the Public IP address:

      $publicIP = New-AzPublicIpAddress `
      -ResourceGroupName $resource `
      -Name 'DemoPublicIp' `
      -Location $location `
      -AllocationMethod static `
      -Sku Standard

  • Create the frontend IP configuration:

      $feip = New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name 'DemoFrontEndPool' -PublicIPAddress $publicIP
  • Create the backend address pool:

      $bepool = New-AzLoadBalancerBackEndAddressPoolConfig -Name 'DemoBackEndPool'
  • Create the health probe:

      $probe = New-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig `
      -Name 'DemoHealthProbe' `
      -Protocol Http `
      -Port 80 `
      -RequestPath / `
      -IntervalInSeconds 360 `
      -ProbeCount 5

  • Create the Load Balancer rule:

      $rule = New-AzLoadBalancerRuleConfig `
      -Name 'DemoLoadBalancerRuleWeb' `
      -Protocol Tcp `
      -Probe $probe `
      -FrontendPort 80 `
      -BackendPort 80 `
      -FrontendIpConfiguration $feip `
      -BackendAddressPool $bepool
  • Create the necessary NAT rules:

      $natrule1 = New-AzLoadBalancerInboundNatRuleConfig `
      -Name 'myLoadBalancerRDP1' `
      -FrontendIpConfiguration $feip `
      -Protocol tcp `
      -FrontendPort 4221 `
      -BackendPort 3389
      $natrule2 = New-AzLoadBalancerInboundNatRuleConfig `
      -Name 'myLoadBalancerRDP2' `
      -FrontendIpConfiguration $feip `
      -Protocol tcp `
      -FrontendPort 4222 `
      -BackendPort 3389
      $natrule3 = New-AzLoadBalancerInboundNatRuleConfig `
      -Name 'myLoadBalancerRDP3' `
      -FrontendIpConfiguration $feip `
      -Protocol tcp `
      -FrontendPort 4223 `
      -BackendPort 3389
  • Create the Azure Standard Load Balancer:

      New-AzLoadBalancer `
      -ResourceGroupName $resource `
      -Name 'DemoLoaBalancer' `
      -Sku Standard `
      -Location $location `
      -FrontendIpConfiguration $feip `
      -BackendAddressPool $bepool `
      -Probe $probe `
      -LoadBalancingRule $rule `
      -InboundNatRule $natrule1,$natrule2,$natrule3

    You can also check on the Azure Management Console the resources created.

📌Note - At the end of each hands-on Lab, always clean up all the resources previously created to avoid being charged.

Congratulations — you have completed this hands-on lab covering the basics of Azure Creating Azure Standard Load Balancers with PowerShell tool.

Thank you for reading. I hope you understood and learned something helpful from my blog.

Please follow me on CloudDevOpsToLearn and LinkedIn franciscojblsouza